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Modify Text Mutation

The Modify Text mutation offers a range of text manipulation options on fields in your product feed.


  • Capitalize only first character: Capitalizes only the first character in the field.

    (Note: This doesn't change the case of any other characters in the field.)

  • Capitalize first character of each word: Makes the first letter of each word uppercase.

    (Note: This doesn't change the case of any other characters in the field.)

  • Capitalize first character of each sentence: Makes the first letter of each sentence uppercase.

    (Note: This doesn't change the case of any other characters in the field.)

  • Lowercase all words: Converts all characters to lowercase.

  • Uppercase all words: Converts all characters to uppercase.

  • Remove all non-digit characters: Strips away any characters that are not digits.

  • Remove all digit characters: Removes all numerical digits from the field.

  • Remove all linebreaks: Removes line breaks from the field.

  • Remove redundant whitespace: Trims extra whitespaces between words.

  • Remove all HTML tags: Strips out HTML tags from the field.


Remove All HTML Characters from the description

If our description is like this: <p>Wooden chair with armrests</p> and we want to remove the HTML tags we can use the Remove all HTML tags option.

This will turn the description into: Wooden chair with armrests

A screenshot showing the Modify Text mutation.
Modify Text Mutation Example

Turn UPPERCASE Title into Title Case

If our title are like this: WOODEN CHAIR WITH ARMRESTS | WALNUT and we want to turn it into Wooden Chair With Armrests | Walnut we can use the Lowercase all words option combined with the Capitalize first character of each word option.

A screenshot showing the Modify Text mutation.
Modify Text Mutation Example