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When building up your feed it can be difficult to know what the result of the mutations and rules will be. To help with this, we have a quicklook feature that allows you to see the final result of a field without having to inspect the final feed it self.

How to use it?

Let's take a look at the following example. Here we want to optimize our title by adding the title, color, price and some static text.

Based on the mapping it self, it can be difficult to know what the output will be. We have multiple fields that are combined, with mutations to some of them. Perhaps some items doesn't have a color, and are the spaces in the correct place?

To visualize the result, simply click on the eye icon next to the field you want to see the result of.

Quicklook Location
Quicklook Location

This will open a modal looking like this:

Quicklook Modal
Quicklook Modal

In the left column you can see the result of the field. The columns right of that contains all your dependencies, meaning all the values that goes into creating the final result.

In this example we can see that some of the products doesn't have a value for color. We can verify that the output still looks good. Maybe we want to add a default color? Who knows, that's up to you.


You can search for specific product titles or product ids in the quicklook modal. This is useful if you want to see the result of a specific product.

Quicklook for Mutations

Since it can be a bit finicky to know what the result of a mutation will be, we have added a shortcut to the Quicklook modal straight from the mutation modal.

Quicklook Mutation Location
Quicklook Mutation Location

This allows you to quickly see the result of the mutation, without having to close the mutation modal every time you've made a change.