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22 docs tagged with "mutation"

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Learn how to use the Append mutation to add a value to a list in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Calculate Mutation to perform calculations on numerical values in your product feed.

Exists (Google Sheet)

Learn how to use the Exists (Google Sheet) mutation to check if value exists in Google Sheet.


Learn how to use the Filter mutation to selectively include or exclude items from a list based on specified rules in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Format mutation to format numerical values in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Join mutation to concatenate list items into a single string using a specified separator in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Length mutation to calculate the length of text or a list in your product feed.

Lookup (Google Sheet)

Learn how to use the Lookup (Google Sheet) mutation to lookup and overwrite values in your product feed based on Google Sheet.

Modify Text

Learn how to use the Modify Text mutation to perform various text manipulations on your product feed.


Learn how to use the Overwrite mutation to replace entire values in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Add Prefix mutation to append a prefix to values in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Prepend mutation to add a value to the beginning of a list in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Remove mutation to eliminate specific portions of a value in a product field.

Remove (Google Sheet)

Learn how to use the Remove (Google Sheet) mutation to eliminate specific portions of a value in a product field based on Google Sheet.

Remove Duplicates

Learn how to use the Remove Duplicates mutation to eliminate duplicate values in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Replace mutation to swap a portion of a value in your product feed, with optional regex support.

Replace (Google Sheet)

Learn how to use the Replace (Google Sheet) mutation to replace values in your product feed based on Google Sheet.


Learn how to use the Sort mutation to arrange elements in a list in ascending or descending order in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Split mutation to divide a string into a list of substrings based on a specified value in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Suffix Mutation to append a suffix to values in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Take mutation to extract specific elements from a list in your product feed.


Learn how to use the Truncate mutation to truncate text values in your product feed.